Got a new review up on Glide.
Delta Spirit's newest release History From Below
Read the full the twisting fable right c'here!!!.
Delta Spirit, History Below, hhhuuummm, the most frustrating review I have written this year. This was a tough one to really get, and I have to admit the more I listen to the album the less I dig it.
The band is certainly trying to change their sound up a bit, but instead of going in the direction of their better tunes they seem to be just experimenting for experiments sake...and that isn't the best of paths to trot down.
I enjoyed parts of the groups first album a ton, especially the jangling beast of a tune called "Trashcan", and was hoping the fellows would follow this path of energetic group interplay, but this album is leaner and lamer.
Friends of mine say the album grows on them and others are simply enamored with their live show, but I was disappointed when I caught them a year or so ago in Bkyln and was waiting to hear what they did with this album, needless to say I won't be waiting with nearly as much hope for their next one....
Here are a couple of tunes off this new one and my favorite song from the fellas:
"White Table"
"Bushwick Blues" Live:
From their first album, "Thrashcan"
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