The Gateway District
Perfect's Gonna Fail
**** out of *****
Various parts of underground punk outfits (all with roots in Minnesota) join forces to form a bright spot amongst the frozen North's music scene calling themselves The Gateway District. The piecing together of members from The Soviettes, Rivethead and Banner Pilot has produced an anthemic punk record that is exhilarating, raw and vital; exactly what proper punk rock should be.
The group splits the sexes with two females (Mauren "Sturgeon" Macosko on guitar/vocals Carrie Bleser on bass/vocals) and two males (Nate Gangeloff on bass and Brad Lokkesmoe on drums). This is their second full length release following 2009's strong Some Days You Get The Thunder. With the band members all having other musical interests it is tempting to call this a side project but the music that rumbles out elevates things to higher level then that term calls to mind. Perfect's Gonna Fail never becomes hyper aggressive but doesn't fall into the "sap-trap" either; this is focused, tight, engaging power/pop punk in the vein of The Exploding Hearts or The Buzzcocks.
The first three songs are fist pumpers and worth the price of admission alone. "Run Away" with it's "1,2,3,4" count off could slide in just as easily to 1982 as 2011 (probably easier), "Macy" is an urgent cry to lost friends and "Leaving Me Behind" is a 2 minute burner that deserves to be blasted out of windows on repeat during road-trips and beach excursions this summer. Other highlights are the break up angst of "Waves and Cars" the lyrical disembodiment and speedy "New Hands" and "Sirens" ringing reality backed by ringing guitars. "Cairo's" heavy breaks add some bottom and the odd "Fisherman's Story" adds a weird but personable vibe.
Ending briskly with a running time of just around 25 minutes the band leaves you wanting more...much more as Perfect's Gonna Fail is not failing in the slightest, it is a perfect slice of power punk.
Props to Rob over at Jaded Scenester who had a post a few months back on this band which of course made me dig in and check them out. So very glad I did...they are the crispy fry in a batch of soggy ones. Pop/Power punk can be so diluted and paint-by-numbers that most of it just goes in one ear and out the other, but not The Gateway District. These Gals and Guys have produced a real winner with Perfect's Gonna Fail. It is tighter and more focused then their first release and endlessly listenable. Go get it here.
Here are a few tunes to wet the appetite (make sure to scroll to the bottom):
"Run Away" Not the most original video, but a really kick ass tune
"I'll Take The River":
You can also stream the full album for free right cvia 'here via (not sure for how long) Enjoy!
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