Piss Ant
I Know Your Type
** out of *****
I Know Your Type starts with a straight ahead motoring cover of the Dead Boys punk classic "Sonic Reducer" and instantly states its riffing intentions. Filled with singalong punk thumping and industrial flourishes the album is never afraid to shout into your face but it's glossy production helps soften the blow of the attack.
Piss Ant are a LA 4 piece that are fronted by fetish model Josi Kat which adds that extra dimension to the shock vibe tip (to go along with that great cover art). Where the group finds the most success is in its rockers like "Hey Hey" via its AC/DC like simplicity and "Wake" which possess a huge chorus to go along with its sludge bass. The bands industrial side such as "So Close" is interesting but seems more of a sidebar then a full on embracement of the style.
The band seems to get caught in-between genres for a few tracks with the road rage smirking "Killing Time On The 405" having some "Oi's" dropped in while "Lights On" plays like a pleasant hair metal main stay. Both have their upside and are fun listens, but when the band gets political ("40 Million Dollar Party", "Change It") there seems to be a lack of real angst which the songs desperately need. It is hard to pinpoint but there just doesn't seem to be the same zeal behind the political tirades as there are during the pseudo-sexual ones, even the bonus remix of the groups older song "Sexxx Junkie" seems more vibrant.
Overall the musicianship, performance, production, and vocal presence sounds tight and professional and the bonus cover of "Tainted Love" is a hoot that speeds by too quickly.
I love NYC, it is amazing how many nice people you can meet in just one night. After a group of my good friends got together to see Primus last Friday night we went to a favorite sports bar of mine to catch what we thought would be the end of the Yankee game. We came to find out it had been suspended due to rain, so we just hung out and drank a few cold ones. While hanging out my friend Glen and I got in a conversation regarding music (big shock there) with the bouncer of the establishment named Mark.
It was a pleasant conversation and that was that...until the next day I went back to the same place for a full slate of baseball games. Mark was there again when I was leaving and gave me this CD, so I gave it this review. It is some fun stuff from the LA band Piss Ant, but it is their old album, I hope to get my hands on their newest and will give that one a proper going over. Until then you can check out the group here.
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