A monster of a song and crowning achievement during his born again Christianity phase. The version RtBE always goes back to is from the Bootleg Series Vol 1-3 with backup vocals from Jennifer Warnes and the gorgeous scene it sets. It was the pinnacle of his song writing during this era and signaled the end of his Christian phase moving back to more universal themes and a throw back to William Blake style poetry. Who knows what goes on inside the Bard's mind but this seemed to help him move back into secular music some of which showed up on Shot of Love with this tune closing out the disk and that phase of his career.
Thoughts on Cover Artist:
We have never been a huge fan of Emmylou Harris outside of her guest work with Gram Parsons, The Band and Dylan himself.
Thoughts on Cover:
This was recorded on Emmylou's 1995 album Wrecking Ball and featured Daniel Lanois as producer. Recorded in New Orleans with the excellent producer the song takes on a different feel from the original, but Harris excellently delivers with a marching beat with light airy vocals.
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