Monday, October 14, 2024

Dylan Cover #652 Elvis Perkins "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a live cover by Elvis Perkins playing "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream"

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover of this tune:
Showing up on one of Bob's greatest accomplishments Bringin' It All Back Home, "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream" always feels like a breather in the albums context. It is silly, the playful Dylan, a Dylan that still exists and can be forgotten about especially when getting "deep" into his serious songs. A vital part of Bob is his playful charm, and amongst the silliness and simple word play on this track he still manages to drop some bombs, " I said, 'You know they refused Jesus, too'/He said, 'You're not him'". A great example of a level of Bob's genius not often exhibit in this series, his playfulness. 


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
Haven't thought about Elvis Perkins a few years, but we saw him with Dr. Dog back in 2021 and at a great Dylan cover show back in 2013

Thoughts on Cover:
An excellent acoustic version of the fun rambling tale. 
Oh and RtBE obviously picked this for today because of the closing phrase, Happy Columbus Day, which Elvis actually skips:

I saw three ships a-sailin’
They were all heading my way
I asked the captain what his name was
And how come he didn’t drive a truck
He said his name was Columbus
I just said, “Good luck”

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