Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Album Review: Oh Honey- With LoveEP

Oh Honey
With Love EP
**and1/2 out of *****
The pop/rock duo of Mitchy Collins and Danielle Bouchard work in summery tones on their first EP With Love. The songs hinge on the duo's vocal interplay over dancey beats and acoustic guitars as the male/female fronts whisper sweet nothings about growing old and still loving each other.   

The first track focuses on this feeling with "I Love You Will Still Sound The Same" an upbeat number that is complete with triplet's of "oh-oh-oh's" and positive energy. "Be Okay" has a more bass and drum driven sound but that smiling vibe still shines through as it also does on EP closer "Get It Right" that compares love with a hangover; even in heartbreak they look on the bright-side.  

With Love is a collection of crafted polished (if too formulaic) music that would be totally at home in a car commercial, a backyard teenage pool party or late night sleep over sing-a-longs. Oh Honey are firmly planted in teeny bopper pop rock for a twitter generation.  
Support the band here, buy the album here and peep some video below:

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