Monday, January 6, 2025

Dylan Cover #664 Louisa Bey "Everything Is Broken"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a cover by Louisa Bey playing "Everything is Broken"

Jazzy January has invade Mondays! All this month we will check out various artists covering Dylan with a jazz vibe.

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover of this tune:
If Bob wasn't the Bard "Everything Is Broken" would just be another tossed off song. However, is anything with Dylan just simply tossed off? Well..yeah...this song certainly feels tossed off to me...sorry. Oh Mercy is a hell of an album, one of Dylan's classics, and this song is fine, it just can't even stand close to any of his all-time gems, not remotely close. One of the reasons I started this cover series was to show how amazing The Bard's songs are in just about anyone's hands, but if the original of this tune was written by Joe Schmo would people think it was great, or is it just the Dylan name that gives it clout?  


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
This is the first time coming across Louisa Bey, who is a French Jazz singer. 

Thoughts on Cover:
Interesting cover that skitters and slides around with a mix of light rock and modern jazz sounds as Bey sings with a mix of anger and passion.

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