Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Girl and Girl Release New Single/Video "Oh Boy!"

Australian outfit Girl and Girl release their newest video/single "Oh Boy!"

About the song frontperson Kai James shares: 
“I’d had "Oh Boy!" half written for a few years before we got round to recording it. I really loved the first half and had kind of psyched myself out of finishing it. When it was finally demoed early last year, this big sort of chaotic, sprawling word vomit poured out of me that seemed to tie the whole thing up nicely, it’s brimming with joy and misery and sarcasm, all things Girl and Girl.”

Check out the video below:

Album Review: Anders Osborne - Picasso's Villa

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of Anders Osborne newest release Picasso's Villa.

Support the artists, read the review and peep some video below:

Monday, April 29, 2024

Dylan Cover #629 Ann Wilson of Heart "Like A Rolling Stone"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's artists, Ann Wilson of Heart performing a live cover of "Like A Rolling Stone" 

All April (and the first week of May) RtBE focuses our Monday Dylan Cover Series on artists who are playing this years New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Today is Heart played the festival this past
 Sunday April 28th

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover:
The song that launched a true revolution, with an opening snare drum like a dead man's last pistol shot baby. "Like A Rolling Stone" is mega in all fashions, Dylan is accusatory, mad, feed up, zoned out, poetic, rambling and always moving with the sound as the track is large and in charge even today. One of the Bard's top 3 songs any which way you break them down, "Like A Rolling Stone" has been covered by a ton of people and it (usually) always kicks ass. 


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
Who doesn't enjoy Heart? Go crazy on you indeed. 

Thoughts on Cover:
A really straight ahead live version that rocks and gives Wilson's voice a ton a space to soar, which she does. Well done.

Friday, April 26, 2024

RtBE Interview: John 'Papa' Gros

Hey all, got a new interview up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!

It is with John 'Papa' Gros who will be playing a ton of shows over the next two weeks in New Orleans. 

RtBE has reviewed Gros before and have caught him live. We will also will be catching up with him a few more times next week, most notably during the Papa Plays The Nite Tripper: John "Papa" Gros Tribute To Dr. John at the Toulouse Theater. If you are in town grab tickets to the show here

Support the artist, read the interview and peep some video of him below:

Full Show Friday: The Original Pinettes Brass Band - Live at WWOZ 2023

We search the murky back waters of youtube to find full concerts and post them to the site weekly, come back every seven days to help us celebrate Full Show Friday's. These shows are of varying quality and may not be here for long so enjoy them while you can...As always, please support the artist every which way, but especially by seeing them live (if they are still playing)...This week...The Original Pinettes Brass Band!

Every April (and first week in May) we have a special showcase for bands who are playing this years Jazzfest in NOLA. Today we will focus on The Original Pinettes Brass Band who will be playing Friday May 3rd. 

We get a quick show and interview this week from The Original Pinettes Brass Band on WWOZ. 

Pro shot, Pro sound, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Benefit Show for Jesse Malin 4/26 @ Irving Plaza with Gogol Bordello, Murphy's Law, Madball

The benefit for Jesse Malin that had been schedule for Saturday in Tompkins Square Park has been moved indoors and will be held tomorrow (Friday 4/26) at Irving Plaza. 

Please attend and donate what you can to this NYC legend. If you can't make the show, you can still donate here

RtBE attended one of Malin's last shows and hope he can recover to rock again soon. Having friends in the NYHC scene, they always turn out for these benefits, like in past years for Jimmy G and Dr. Know, both of which RtBE happily attended. 

To get in the mood, here are some videos of the band's playing tonight and one of Malin:


New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Starts Today, Stream on WWOZ

The best festival in America returns today! If you can not get to the Big Easy for The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage FestivalWWOZ has the answer.

You can stream the festival through their website. This is one of the best radio channels in the country, so you should pop in and stream regularly (and donate), but these next two weekends are a must if you can't be at the Fairgrounds.

RtBE will be down very soon and we can not wait, we will be checking out this stream to tide us over, you should do the same. Peep a few videos of acts playing this weekend:

Album Review: Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds - That Delicious Vice

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds newest release That Delicious Vice.

Support the artist, read the review and peep some video below:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

New Single from Jackie Marks & Jon Loya "Rearview"

The New Hampshire based, indie-pop duo of Jackie Marks and Jon Loya have released a new single, "Rearview".

Check out the easy flowing track below:

Album Review: Hurray for the Riff Raff - The Past Is Still Alive

Hurray For The Riff Raff
The Past Is Still Alive
****and1/2 out of *****

On 2022's pop leaning Life on Earth, Hurray for the Riff Raff (Alynda Segarra) focused on eco-collapse via synths and beats. Their newest, fantastic offering, The Past Is Still Alive, returns to more roots rock and is a collection of tales ranging from the open spaces of the American west, to hopping trains through the underbelly of the country, the FDR Drive and the end of the world. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Live Review: Humbird @ Groove NYC 4/18/24

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!

It is of Humbird's recent live show on Thursday April 18th at Groove in NYC. 

This was a fun set of music from the Minneapolis based artist and her band. 

Support the artist, read the review and peep some video below:

Album Review: GospelbeacH - Wiggle Your Fingers

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of GospelbeacH's final album Wiggle Your Fingers

Modern day Cosmic Canyon vibes float through this one.

Support the artist, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below:

Monday, April 22, 2024

Dylan Cover #628 The Killers "Blowin' In The Wind" Live

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a live cover by The Killers playing "Blowin' In The Wind"

All April (and the first week of May) RtBE focuses our Monday Dylan Cover Series on artists who are playing this years New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Today is The Killers who plays the festival this Friday April 26th

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover of this song:
The classic Dylan song, if you asked 100 people to name you the first Bob Dylan song they thought of, or his best known song, I am guessing 95-99 of them would answer "Blowin' In The Wind".  It is an epic, vital song in the history of recorded music. The lyrics tell a stirring tale, the melody is enchanting, it is pretty spot on perfect, and when it originally came out if announced to the world the greatness that was/is/always will be Bob Dylan.


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
RtBE have never been big Killers fans, but to each their own. We do dig their cover of "Romeo and Juliet" though. 

Thoughts on Cover:
And we dig the cover of this as well, semi-surprisingly. The band turn the folk song into a triumphant march with loud guitars and a strong feeling. An odd choice maybe with the lyrics, but somehow it works. Well done. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Full Show Friday: Amanda Shaw and The Cute Guys - Live at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation 2023

We search the murky back waters of youtube to find full concerts and post them to the site weekly, come back every seven days to help us celebrate Full Show Friday's. These shows are of varying quality and may not be here for long so enjoy them while you can...As always, please support the artist every which way, but especially by seeing them live (if they are still playing)...This week...Amanda Shaw and The Cute Guys!

Every April (and first week in May) we have a special showcase for bands who are playing this years Jazzfest in NOLA. Today we will focus on Amanda Shaw and The Cute Guys who will be playing Sunday April 28th. 

Let's get down with some Cajun music and killer fiddle work from the amazing Amanda Shaw and her band. This is a great set from last year down in New Orleans. 

Pro Shot, Pro Sound, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

New Video/Song from Sour Widows "Cherish"

The Bay Area based Sour Widows share a new video/single "Cherish".

Regarding the song Maia Sinaiko states 
"'Cherish’ is a plea for love disguised as a curse against the world, I started struggling with my mental health in my late teens, and the loss of my partner at age 21 - as well as the tumult of our relationship - exacerbated those issues. I was a very angry person, and I went through several years of being emotionally volatile. Both wanting to connect and be seen while being enraged at the state of my life, I would lash out just to make contact with someone, even if that contact was hurtful. To cherish something is to love it for all that it is. The song says everything I couldn't say to my family and friends in that grief-stricken state; I hope it can serve as a reminder that we all deserve to be cherished through our hardships, even when we are at our most difficult to love.”

Check it out below:

Album Review: Metz - Up On Gravity Hill

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of Metz's newest album Up On Gravity Hill.

RtBE have reviewed all of Metz's albums (we think) and they keep opening up their sound which is good as it couldn't really go anywhere else after pairing with Steve Albini for Strange Peace. This one is more open to different influences and pretty solid. We agree with lead singer/guitarist Alex Edkins when he says: 
“We’ve never been heavy enough for metal or hardcore purists, but we're way too heavy for indie rock. We just don't have a lane—and that's okay. We exist outside the lines of delineation. I think this record is even more like that”
Support the artist, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below:

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Chris Smither Covers Tom Petty's "Time To Move On"

Folk/blues guitarist/songwriter Chris Smither covers Tom Petty's "Time To Move On".

RtBE loves Wildflowers (the deluxe edition, not so much) so we will always check out covers from the album. This is a good one.  

Regarding the tune Smither says 
"it's just a great song by a guy who had an uncanny knack for turning out pop hits that don’t sound like they’re meant to be pop hits.”
"Time To Move On" features longtime colleague/producer David “Goody” Goodrich on guitar, Zak Trojano’s drumming, and BettySoo’s harmony vocals,

Check it out below:

Album Review: Call Me Spinster - Potholes

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of Call Me Spinster's newest effort, Potholes.

Support the artists, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Live Review: MonoNeon Live @ Blue Note NYC 4/11/24

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of MonoNeon's recent live set at the Blue Note NYC on 4/11/24, the early show. 

Definitely check out MonoNeon live, read the review and peep some video below of a show later in the run. This was with Mike Stern sitting in, who RtBE also dig:

Album Review: Leyla McCalla - Sun Without the Heat

Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!

It is of Leyla McCalla's newest album Sun Without the Heat

RtBE are huge fans of McCalla's, having dug everything she has done, especially 2019's The Capitalist Blues which topped our Favorites list that year and was high on our decade's end list

Support the artist, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below:

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dylan Cover #627 Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a cover by Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue playing "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright"

All April (and the first week of May) RtBE focuses our Monday Dylan Cover Series on artists who are playing this years New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Today is Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue who plays the festival this Saturday April 27th

Thought's on Original:
This song is so iconic and flat out awesome, even people who dislike Dylan have to enjoy this tune right? Biting and yet not bitter, a toss off of the grandest proportions, "Don' Think Twice, It's All Right" is epic and yet so straight forwardly simple. It easily ranks as one of the bard's best works, truly a classic and has been covered by so many people in so many ways.


Thoughts on Cover Artist
We have caught snippets of Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue on past NOLA trips. Perhaps on this one we will take in a full set.

Thoughts on Cover
A gorgeous, crisp, country twanging version of this Dylan classic from Holiday and the Revue. Definitely worth a listen to the breezy and strong version. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Full Show Friday: Hot 8 Brass Band - Live @ NOLA Jazz Museum 2021

We search the murky back waters of youtube to find full concerts and post them to the site weekly, come back every seven days to help us celebrate Full Show Friday's. These shows are of varying quality and may not be here for long so enjoy them while you can...As always, please support the artist every which way, but especially by seeing them live (if they are still playing)...This week...Hot 8 Brass Band!

Every April (and first week in May) we have a special showcase for bands who are playing this years Jazzfest in NOLA. Today we will focus on Hot 8 Brass Band who will be playing Saturday April 27th.

Another RtBE favorite, the house band at the Howlin' Wolf on Sunday nights, the world famous Hot 8 Brass Band. This is a live set from 2021 at the NOLA Jazz Museum and it is some funky brass band music.

Pro shot, Pro sound, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

A Short Walk To Pluto Share New Single/Video "Hopeless"

The Toronto based indie outfit A Short Walk To Pluto have released a new tune "Hopeless".

Regarding the album the band state:
We experimented with stretching the limits of Emma’s vocals within a recorded arrangement, which is especially noticeable in the soaring chorus and intro harmonies. ‘All’ of her voices hit the listener as if it were an overwhelming wave of emotions manifesting itself through sound. The funky and more rhythmic approach to the trio of guitar, bass and drums was new to our repertoire, but remained a welcomed challenge. It has provided a certain heaviness and counterbalance to the depth of the vocals that allow one to to head-bang, dance, and sing along all at once.

Check out the tune below:


Album Review: Marcus King - Mood Swings

Hey all, got a review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here:

It is of Marcus King's newest album, Mood Swings

The Rick Rubin produced effort is a huge departure for King he drops the rocking blues of the solid Young Blood and delivers a soul record in painful/winning fashion. This is a very personal record for King. 

Support the artist, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below: 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New Single/Video from The Lovely Eggs "Memory Man"

The Lancaster, England based lo-fi punk outfit The Lovely Eggs have a new single/video out titled "Memory Man"

Regarding the song, Holly Ross states:
“I wrote the lyrics and melody to “Memory Man” while driving. It was a bit of a subconscious thought stream connected to what I’d been going through personally at the time. The original melody was slightly different to what it eventually became. It was much slower and had more of a Syd Barrett vibe. Then one day when we were in the studio, David was playing a riff and beat he had recorded but didn’t know what to do with. So, we wondered what would happen if we mixed my melody and lyrics with this kind of really relentless Kraut beat that David had created and that’s how the song came about. Once we knew it would work, we just knew we needed a big robot voice on there, so we put that on and sent it over to Dave Fridmann and he just really liked it and that was that. “Memory Man” was born."

The album was produced by the great Dave Friedmann and is out in May. Check out "Memory Man" below:

Album Review: Mikaela Davis & Circles Around The Sun - After Sunrise

Hey all, got a review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here:

It is of Mikaela Davis & Circles Around The Sun new release After Sunrise.

Check out the groovy disco tunes that play like one long song. We dig Mikaela a lot, and rated her recent album And Southern Star, as one of our favorites of 2023

Support the artists, buy the album, read the review and peep some video below:

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

New Single/Video from Bad Buddy "Q.B."

The Edmonton based trio Bad Buddy have a new single/video out for their tune "Q.B."

Talking about the video, Andi Vissia states:
"I feel like I had an idea for this music video years ago – way before the song had presented itself to me. One of my experiences as a woman in this industry is having people think I'm there because of a man, or just having people underestimate my experience and credibility."

Check it out below:

Album Review: The Black Keys - Ohio Players

Hey all, got a review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here:

It is of The Black Keys newest album titled Ohio Players. This one is a big surprise. When I am scheduled to review albums for Glide, I rarely listen to singles before the full album gets sent to me. I had no idea how prominent Beck would be on this record, it is almost a duet between him and the BK's and it succeeds.

Very poppy and different than The Black Keys last few albums (Let's Rock, Delta Kream, Dropout Boogie) and to these ears that is a good thing. Dan and Patrick can always go back to their stripped down blues/rawk, but this is a step in a new, solid direction. I have always liked them more when they expanded, especially on their career highlight, Brothers, which was one of our favorite albums of the 2010's.    

Support the band, buy the album, read the review, peep some video below:

Monday, April 8, 2024

Dylan Cover #626 Jamey Johnson, Willie Nelson, Chris Stapleton & Lee Ann Womack - "Gotta Serve Somebody"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a cover by Jamey Johnson, Willie Nelson, Chris Stapleton & Lee Ann Womack - "Gotta Serve Somebody"

All April (and the first week of May) RtBE focuses our Monday Dylan Cover Series on artists who are playing this years New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Today is Chris Stapleton who plays the festival this Saturday April 27th

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover of this tune:
This powerful call of hell-fire and brimstone rained down from the mountaintop as Dylan proclaimed his faith proudly, and this was the first song that most of the public heard confirming the fact that Bob did indeed "Go Jesus". It is point and fact with its belief and message. You gotta serve somebody... can't be simpler then that when it comes to faith can it? The original has a driving beat and a propulsion to it that sounds urgent, but not as urgent as Bob sings, reinforcing the proclamation through his powerful lyrics and leaving no man or woman on the sidelines...he brings everyone into this spiritual battle, and whatever your beliefs it is impossible not to feel Bob is committed as he runs through the verses and chorus.


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
Some heavyweights of country music on this one with Jamey Johnson, Willie Nelson, Chris Stapleton & Lee Ann Womack. RtBE dig on Willie the most of this crew, but all are solid. 

Thoughts on Cover:
Super slow intro, adds a haunting 'end of days' feeling to the song that is usually a fire and brimstone rocker. The track picks up with a blues groove, as each singer takes a swing around B3, harmonica and gospel background vocals. The track just keeps on rolling on with a laid back energy that isn't as freighting as the intro lead the listener to believe.   

Friday, April 5, 2024

Full Show Friday: Tuba Skinny - Live French Quarter Fest 2018

We search the murky back waters of youtube to find full concerts and post them to the site weekly, come back every seven days to help us celebrate Full Show Friday's. These shows are of varying quality and may not be here for long so enjoy them while you can...As always, please support the artist every which way, but especially by seeing them live (if they are still playing)...This week...Tuba Skinny!

Every April (and first week in May) we have a special showcase for bands who are playing this years Jazzfest in NOLA. Today we will focus on Tuba Skinny who will be playing Friday April 26th.

RtBE starts off this Full Show Friday special focus on Jazzfest artists with a longtime favorite, Tuba Skinny. RtBE has reviewed them in the past and always love catching them live as they deliver the goods with their old timey jazz.

Check out this set of theirs from 2018's French Quarter Festival. Fan shot, but it looks and sounds great. Enjoy!

Recorded in New Orleans 04/12/2018 Shaye Cohn - Cornet Erika Lewis - Drum Todd Burdick- Tuba/Sousaphone Robin Rapuzzi - Washboard Jason Lawrence - Guitar Max Bien Kahn - Banjo Greg Sherman - Guitar/Vocals Barnabus Jones - Trombone Craig Flory - Clarinet Ewan Bleach - Sax Buy CD's: http://tubaskinny.com/music/ http://tubaskinny.com/updates/ Upcomming Shows: http://tubaskinny.com/schedule/

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Acid Mammoth Release New Video “Fuzzorgasm (Keep on Screaming)”

Athens-based doom metal outfit Acid Mammoth released their brand new video "Fuzzorgasm (Keep on Screaming)". 

Check out the banging track below:


**and1/2 out of *****

The Bellingham, WA based outfit MEM//BRANE drop their first non-demo offering the SUBCUTANEOUS EP, a blast of aggression, energy, and fury as the four songs slam with purpose and power. 

The quintet (ELLIE - Vocals CHAD - Guitar TYLER - Guitar EVE - Bass DANIEL - Drums) are fighting mad, pushing for Trans rights. The group open the album with a recording of artist and AIDS activist David Wojnarowicz reading from his novel Close To The Knives. The impassioned words kick things off and the rocking guitar groove follows, as the band gets cooking with "The Rock Against Which I Am Shattered". The opening effort uses a sludgy bass break to kick things into overdrive with a hardcore slamming finale. 

Unfortunately, like many acts in this genre the vocal style is comprised of indistinguishable growling and for a band clearly fighting for a worthy cause, this is a bit of a let down. On the flip side, the muscular hardcore punk flexed by the group is winning on all levels. "Chain Breaker" has fiery drums, chugging riffs, tempo shifts and a glorious ending while the super fast hardcore of "To Catch A Falling Knife" shifts between supersonic and stomping with speaker rattling bass and crushing guitars. 

The songs run longer than typical hardcore/punk efforts and they are consistently engaging with shifts and multiple sections delivering the goods. Closer "Transgender Refugee" would be more effective if the lyrics and message could be understood in the tune, but the mix of slamming and screeching sounds works well. 

A powerful blast of hardcore punk from the Pacific North West, MEM//BRANE's  SUBCUTANEOUS EP is a great springboard for the band to launch from.     
Support the artists, buy the album, peep the EP below:

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

New Video/Song from Fantastic Cat "All My Fault"

The excellent Fantastic Cat are releasing their sophomore album Now That's What I Call Fantastic Cat, out June 7 via Missing Piece Records. The first single/video from the record is "All My Fault" which the band released below, parodying old school dating via VHS tapes.

RtBE are huge fans of the band having seen them live and reviewed their debut, which was one of the best albums of 2022. Check out the new video below:

Album Review: Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol - Big Dumb Riffs

Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol 
Big Dumb Riffs
**and1/2 out of *****

The metal outfit from Austin, TX,  Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol, deliver what is advertised on their newest, quick running LP, Big Dumb Riffs.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

New Song from Dr. Dog "Still Can't Believe"

One of RtBE's favorites, the Philly based outfit hung it up in 2021, but never really said they were breaking up, just no longer touring.  Dr. Dog are playing sporadic shows this summer and just released a new song, "Still Can't Believe".

Check out the tune below in all of it's detached, ramshackle glory.


Album Review: Marco Benevento - Barn Burner: Live at Levon's

Hey all, got a review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here:

It is of Marco Benevento - Barn Burner: Live at Levon's released on Royal Potato Family

Support the artist, buy the album, read the review, peep some video below:

Monday, April 1, 2024

Dylan Cover #625 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band "Girl from the North Country"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's artists, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band covering "Girl From the North Country".

Every April (and first week of May) we have a special focus in our ongoing Monday Bob Dylan Cover Series on artists who will be playing Jazzfest in New Orleans. Today we highlight, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band who play the best festival in America on Saturday April 27th.   

Thoughts on Dylan's Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover version of this song:
A fun little number that connects Dylan with folk's past. I heard Simon and Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair" first when I was growing up so I have always been a bit more partial to that version of this old folk tune even though Dylan changed a bunch of stuff around (obviously) with his recording that appeared on The Freewheeling Bob Dylan. His duet with Johnny Cash that highlights Nashville Skyline is something else entirely, a major sonic effort that I love. On an album that saw so many massive tunes come flowing out of the bard this one can be overshadowed yet his first version of this track is just a sweet folk ditty that has aged very, very well.


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
RtBE dig the Nitty Gritty and reviewed their cover album of Dylan for Glide a couple of years back. 

Thoughts on Cover:
An excellent version of this tune that adds layers of instrumentation, strong singing and never loses the mournful sense of the original. Perfectly done and a great way to kick off the month of focusing on artists playing Jazzfest who covered Dylan in the past.