Friday, January 28, 2011

Library and Music Combining - Keef and Freegal Music Database

Always fun when the day job combines with the love of good tunes.  I posted a couple Fridays ago about Elvis Costello playing Bartos and I got another great video of an even cooler old rocker hanging out in SASB

The one the only Keef Richards wrote a book and chatted about it back in October, here is a cool video that gives you the overview of his talk:

Who knew one of rock's greatest rebels loved following the rules of his public library back home?!?  Here's hoping he never "drops".

Also on the library front is a new Database called Freegal that allows you to LEGALLY download copyrighted songs from Sony.  This is pretty amazing, you will need an NYPL library card and your pin number, but as it stands now you can legally download 3 songs a week from the site.  Pretty cool move from NYPL if I do say so myself, for example I just downloaded:

Miles Davis "Filles De Kilimanjaro",

Delaney & Bonnie and Friends "Comin' Home"

And Bootsy Collins "Party on Plastic"

This is awesome, tons of options, the download took two seconds and the quality is perfect....give it a whirl and grab yerself a library card if you haven't all ready.  Have a great weekend.

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