This is the biggest musical surprise of the year to RtBE. Not only did a member of Phish manage to craft a damn good studio album, it was bass player Mike Gordon who churned out this doozy. In discussion with Glide's editor we toned things down a bit, but we were both blown away by this disk on a few levels and personally think it is the best Phish band member solo release ever.
Production is great. Everyone should get extra props for it and things overall feel like a joint effort in the playing department but the writing and editing def seems to come from the warped mind of Gordon.
We said a lot in the review, and would love to discuss with with Phish fans to get their thoughts, but any fan of quirky interesting rock and roll should check this out; leave your Phish bias at the door. As it stands you should support the artist, buy the album and peep some video below:
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