Monday, June 3, 2024

Dylan Cover #633 The Walker Brothers "Love Minus Zero/No Limit"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune comes from The Walker Brothers and is a cover of "Love Minus Zero/No Limit".

Thought's on Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover of this song:
A personal gateway song, the first Dylan love offering that truly spoke to me was "Love Minus Zero/No Limit". It is an easy song to like, with it's sweet melody and one that gets deeper and deeper the more you contemplate the lyrics. Dylan uses some insane imagery to put true love into words with surreal phrasing that delivers the goods in a way that is tough to describe. In one sense, this is peak Dylan, moving with grace, describing things uniquely and just out of reach.  


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
The is the first time we are hearing The Walker Brothers an LA based outfit from the 60's. A group RtBE missed in our travels. 

Thoughts on Cover:
This is an interesting one. On one hand it is way over done dramatically with a drawn out ending and string section, yet the flamenco accents really work, as do the vocals. An interesting cover that can go either way, listen to it yourself.  

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