Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Album Review: Galactic - Carnivale Electricos

Hey all,

Got a new review up over on Glide.

Read it Right C'here!!!!

It is of Galactic's newest release, Carnivale Electricos.

Jazzfest is right around the corner and RtBE is getting giddy, what better way to get juiced for the proceedings then to review one of the hardest working bands that city has to offer?  Galactic have killed it recently representing their hometown expertly on their last release and tour.  Carnivale Electricos continues that trend gloriously with an out and out party put down on wax. 

Once this train gets rolling there is no stopping it.  We can not wait to catch Galactic in their home town during the beginning of May, and our hometown as the month wraps up.  Should be exciting times, until then grab the album here and preview some tracks below:

"Hey Na Na"


"Move Fast"

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