Monday, March 28, 2022

Dylan Cover #523 The Bob Porter Project "Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)" Live

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune is a live cover by The Bob Porter Project of the Dylan tune "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)"

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we talked about this tune:
A layered and moving song, the real highlight on a mixed up Dylan album (Street Legal), "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)" is musically riveting and lyrically haunting.  Acoustic plucking, rolling drums and a forlorn trumpet color the tune musically while some straight ahead lyrics mix with the surreal and backup singers add "Oooh and Aaaah" behind the nasal delivery of the Bard.  Looking at the "Painted Wagon" and smelling the "Tail of the Dragon" are just two examples of bizarre lyrics that could pertain to nuclear war or something else entirely, making it all even more enchanting.  A gorgeous music background with perplexing lyrics and a strong vocal performance...yup, I dig this one a ton. 


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
RtBE is new to The Bob Port Project.

Thoughts on Cover:
The echoes and spooky keyboards add a mystical song to one that fits that vibe well. Strong vocals from Porter and the tune fits what the band was going for perfectly, nice cover.  

1 comment:

  1. The first group of ten served as the intervention group and consumed 25 grams/day of creatine along with 25 grams/day of glucose for the first week. Then, for the next two weeks they consumed 5 grams of creatine per day with 25 grams of glucose per day. You’re essentially breaking your set down into a bunch of mini sets with rest-pause training, which allows you to continue past your usual point of failure.
