Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dinosaur Jr. New Record Update

More exciting news on the Dinosaur Jr. front.  In February we mentioned that Dino Jr is releasing a live DVD from their recent Bug Tours, and today comes official word that the band is almost done with their third reunion album.  Here is an interview from the band before they played SXSW...umm it is different...

Thank god Lou Barlow is in the band for a little bit of speaking ability.  He gave a cool tidbit in there saying that he thinks this is their best reunion album yet.  The last two were sensational and on par (arguably better then) the groups original releases back in the 80's so that is really fantastic news to hear.  BOOSH! 

Even with Barlow in the group interviews are still 90% awkward for Dino Jr.  Well it doesn't really matter when you play songs like this live...

Ah Hell's Yeah...Long live Noiserock!

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