Wednesday, November 7, 2012

NYPL Blog Post: Baseball Nicknames

Hey everybody.  This post got delayed a bit, but I have a blog post up on NYPL's site that I think you might get a kick out of regarding the Baseball Hall of Fame and Nicknames:
George (Chappie) Johnson, firs... Digital ID: 1231499. New York Public Library
 Unfortunately Chappie didn't make the hall...

This summer when Jeff, Hot Tub, Mike and myself drove up to Cooperstown to catch Lee Ranaldo and Wilco play (review here and pics here) we made the obvious trip to the Hall of Fame to check out the history etched there.  For those who read the site or know me, my love of baseball knows very few boundaries, and a trip to Cooperstown needs to be done every few years.  So much goodness can be seen in those halls and hours can get lost.  While checking out the plaques I started taking pictures of some of my favorite nicknames and it was suggested I should do a blog post for this.  So during the world series I got one up on NYPL blogs.  

Give it a read, feel free to comment (here or there) and let me know what you think....excitingly Spring Training is only a few months away!  


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