Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Album Review: Joanna Gruesome- Peanut Butter

Joanna Gruesome
Peanut Butter
***and1/2 out of *****
The Welsh five piece gets points for their punny name, and for taking that harp player down a notch, but really deliver with their second release Peanut Butter. The quick burst of punk rock and dream pop makes for a dynamic sonic ride.

The full length 10 tracks only take 22 minutes to the get the point across and the style is an engaging one, but not variable from song to song. They have their style down and it is hard to remember a band who mixed the energy of punk with the spaciousness of dream pop half as successfully.  

"Last Year" kicks in the nuts the hardest opening things up with feedback and throat ripping vocals from lead singer Alanna McArdle before pretty guitars and a duet in the vocal department arrives in the form of Owen Williams to close the track, spanning the spans styles.  

The next few numbers "Honestly Do Yr Worst", "There Is No Function Stacy" and "Crayon" fit into perfect dream pop molds, never getting too aggressive as the dual vocals float behind layers of distortion and grooves provided by George Nicholls (guitar), Max Warren (bass) and David Sandford (drums)

The tension gets ratcheted up again to close the things as "Jerome (Liar)" pulses under the surface "Separate Bedrooms" clangs in a pop punk way before the tension release noise shredding of "Psykick Espionage"

Like both of the genre's they combine, lyrics are rarely the forefront but the screams and then sweet singing combo here makes what they are actually singing about not as important as to how it sounds. Peanut Butter sounds grand from every direction. 
Support the band here, buy the album here, their bandcamp is here, and peep some video below:

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