Hey all, got a new review up @glidemag which you can read Right C'here!!!
It is of their newest album The Difference Between You & Me.
This is a dense album to dissect. On one hand you can just put the tunes on and not think too deeply as most of the vocals/lyrics are mixed to blend into the album ("Culture Vulture" being the exception). On the other, when you listen to what Lewis is singing about things are very bleak.
The same as on Father John Misty's excellent 2018 release their are times as a listener you want to check on Lewis to make sure he is really O.K? Unlike that album though, the music and playing seems to be at odds with the lyrical theme at times. Modern, raw almost bi polar blues, that is what the listener is in for.
Support the artists, buy the album and peep some video below:
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