Monday, May 2, 2022

Dylan Cover #528 The Black Crowes "Girl From The North Country" Live

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's artists, The Black Crowes covering "Girl From the North Country" live.

Every April (and first week of May) we have a special focus in our ongoing Monday Bob Dylan Cover Series on artists who will be playing Jazzfest in New Orleans. Today we highlight, The Black Crowes who play the best festival in America on Friday May 6th..   

Thoughts on Dylan's Original:
From the first time we tackled a cover version of this song:
A fun little number that connects Dylan with folk's past. I heard Simon and Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair" first when I was growing up so I have always been a bit more partial to that version of this old folk tune even though Dylan changed a bunch of stuff around (obviously) with his recording that appeared on The Freewheeling Bob Dylan. His duet with Johnny Cash that highlights Nashville Skyline is something else entirely, a major sonic effort that I love. On an album that saw so many massive tunes come flowing out of the bard this one can be overshadowed yet his first version of this track is just a sweet folk ditty that has aged very, very well.


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
RtBE dig the Crowes.  We've seen them a bunch, reviewed them and ranked their album Before The Frost....Until The Freeze, in our top 50 of the '00 decade on Glide. We like that album even better than their debut, which they will be playing in it's entirety at Jazzfest this friday!

Thoughts on Cover:
A really solid acoustic cover from the Brother Crowes. Not a bad word to say, they nailed this jam. 

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