Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glide Review - Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See

Hey y'all...

Got a new review up on Glide.

Read it right C'here!!!!

It is of the Arctic Monkeys new release, Suck It And See.

I can make a strong argument that the Monkeys put out one of the best rock and roll 'first release' in decades when they debuted with Whatever People Say I am That's What I Am Not.  Forget the hype and blogosphere love/hate affairs; that album kicks ass in all the right ways.  I had it ranked 22nd on my list of the decades best albums, musically powerful and lyrically excellent.  Their last two albums varied in style and quality and the newest threw me for a loop when I first heard it.

Gone are the real rockers, or the late night dancey numbers, and in their place are pop rock nuggets.  I dig it.  They are legit song writers and Alex Turner always puts a unique spin on things.  The primal drumming of Matt Helders has toned down some which is a let down but as the group grows and flourishes it is nice to have this structured (dare I say it) Beatlesque album to mess around with.  Keep on Growin'...some tunes for you to check out:

The opener "She's Thunderstorms":

"The Hellcat Spangled Shalala"

My current Favorite "Love Is A Laserquest"

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