Monday, October 26, 2015

Dylan Cover #206: Merrady "Simple Twist of Fate"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's tune comes from Merrady and is a live cover of "Simple Twist of Fate 

For October RtBE will feature lesser known artists doing live acoustic covers of Dylan tunes.
Thoughts On Original:
From the first time we talked about a cover version of this song:
Well the classics just keep coming in this series, with "Simple Twist of Fate" what a gem of a song.  Impeccable lyrics, gorgeous phrasing, just a great great song that is hard not to enjoy.

Thoughts on Cover Artist:
To close out our October Series we have Merrady a Folk-Glam singer from Long Beach, California. She does other covers as well on her youtube channel.   
Thoughts on Cover:
A very nice cover version, strong singing and playing all around from Merrady. This series had gotten a little big name heavy as of late so we are happy this month produced a few unknown (to us at least) artists who delivered excellent cover versions. We can't wait to hear even more.

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