Thursday, December 17, 2015

Year in Review 2015- Top 10 Albums Part 2

Another great year is finishing up for @RockBodElec and we wouldn't be a proper music site if we didn't end the year with a "Best Of" list, so RtBE Presents the Best of 2015 Top Ten Albums numbers 10-6:
In the instance that RtBE has reviewed the album either on the site or somewhere else we will link to that review and just give a quick summation, just click on the name and title and you can read it.  RtBE worked with the Glide Team to give input on the their Top 20 so expect some overlap. 

Again the focus here is on full albums, not singles, but full releases you can slap on and listen all the way through. We know these are a dying breed, but it still is the way we consume music, no shuffle or singles for us. Personally we released an acoustic based EP this year, but we will graciously remove ourselves from the rankings however, you can gave it a listen or download it for free.

Last year we had a dog fight at the top and honestly any in the 2014 top five would have been in the peak slot this go around.

Our top ten for 2015 is filled with pop, acoustic, cover songs, noise, punk and a very healthy sprinkling of female artists so click the Read More to dive into things

10. La Luz- Weirdo Shrine
The foursome from Seattle do what they do perfectly well and there are really few others who even swim near their waters. The term "Surf-Noir" nails it and these ladies are fantastic at crafting this cinematic world through their dreamy/spooky/lazy rolling tunes. Their second album is a winner as was their first.

9. Warren Haynes- Ashes and Dust

The strongest collection of songs from Warren Haynes since The Deep End era of Gov't Mule finds Haynes turning acoustic and having Railroad Earth provide stellar backing. What really grabbed us by the earbuds was the pristine sounding production provided by Jim Scott and Haynes himself. Everything from the strings just sings on this disk and the voice of Haynes as always is soulful telling stories.

8. Ruby Amanfu- Standing Still
When we did the initial review of this album for Glide we deducted a star for it being a cover disk. That was just stupid, we have gone back to this collection of songs often and enjoy Ruby and company's take on things more then a lot of the originals. What a voice, fantastic arraignments, it definitely deserves it's place here.

7. Jason Isbell- Something More Than Free
One of the top three song writers working today Isbell put fourth another excellent collection of tracks on Something More Than Free. The title track is a stunner, and while we didn't always dig the arraignments on the album, the songwriting is killer and Isbell had a large task following up Southeastern. Out of all the albums on this list (including the ones still to come) I got a feeling in 5 years this is the one we will wish we ranked higher. 

6. Built To Spill- Untethered Moon

An unexpected comeback disk from the Doug Martsch led angular rockers. I would have never thought that Built To Spill could make another disk that would land in any of our top ten's but here we are as Untethered Moon winningly recalls what made this group so great in the late 90's early 00's. Glorious expansive guitars, wandering numbers, awkward cuts, killer rhythms, solo's that just work on all levels. A spectacular return to form.

Stay tuned, next week we hit the Top 5 and as always, thanks for reading.

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