Friday, July 8, 2022

Full Show Friday: Arcade Fire - AT&T Block Party Live in New Orleans 2022

We search the murky back waters of youtube to find full concerts and post them to the site weekly, come back every seven days to help us celebrate Full Show Friday's. These shows are of varying quality and may not be here for long so enjoy them while you can...As always, please support the artist every which way, but especially by seeing them live (if they are still playing)...This week...Arcade Fire!

Excited about their new album, WE, Arcade Fire took to the streets to play New Orleans at the AT&T Block Party a few months ago when the Final Four was in town. 

Pro shot, Pro Sound, set list below. Enjoy:

1:59 The Lightning I 4:44 The Lightning II 7:30 Rebellion (Lies) 12:26 Generation A 16:14 No Cars Go 21:54 Intervention 26:44 Ready to Start 31:14 The Suburbs 37:33 Afterlife 43:05 Reflektor 50:12 Age of Anxiety II (Rabbit Hole) 57:05 Creature Comfort 1:02:53 Everything_Now (Continued) 1:04:27 Everything Now 1:09:30 Haiti 1:14:23 Electric Blue 1:18:38 Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) 1:25:17 Wake Up

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