Sunday, April 26, 2020

15th Anniversary of First Publication

Today marks the fifteenth anniversary of my first published review. Where has the time gone? Actually where has the review gone??!?

Back in 2005 I decided to email a live review I wrote for a friend (minus some inside jokes) to a few sites and Glide Magazine jumped at the chance to post it which I will always be thankful for.

The review was of the Bob Dylan & Merle Haggard show at NJPAC but while Glide still has the link, the review has been cut off after the introduction.  The one thing I remember about this review in particular was how god damn long it was. 

It has been a fun journey, and while we celebrated 10 Years of Glide reviews, nothing is currently planned outside of this post for 15 years, but who knows how the year goes?

Thanks for reading.  Here is a great live Dylan compilation from 2005 (and some 04) and a Merle tune to commemorate the date.


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