Tuesday, June 11, 2019

RIP Paul "Lil Buck" Sinegal

It has been a rough week for New Orleans legends and their friends/family as Leah Chase, Dr. John and now Lil Buck Sinegal have all passed on.

While Dr. John and Ms. Chase are nationally known legends, RtBE wanted to take a second to also remember Mr. Sinegal who might never have ever struck it large, but was certainly a vital part of NOLA/South Louisiana music, and a great guitarist in his own right.

The Advertiser gathered friends to reminisce on Sinegal in a solid piece, but for those who never heard of him, Lil Buck started touring with Zydeco heavyweights Clifton Chenier and later Buckwheat Zydecowho RtBE saw him first play with back in the mid 90's.

After seeing him on various Jazzfest stages over the last eleven years our favorite musical memory with Lil Buck is from 2017. RtBE were lucky enough to catch him backing the great blues man Lazy Lester in the inmate venue of Three Keys down in New Orleans. Lil Buck and his Buckaroos were the house band that night performing their own set while also supporting Spyder Turner; Buck proved he was a rocker/bluesman/soul stirrer all in one.

So to honor the man, raise a glass and put on some of his tunes this Tuesday night. Enjoy Every Sandwich.

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