Monday, June 27, 2022

Dylan Cover #536 floydion "Forever Young"

In this ongoing Monday Series we will be exploring various artists versions of Bob Dylan song's. Today's artists, floydion doing a cover of "Forever Young" 

This month we are doing another special focus in RtBE's Dylan Covers series. In the past we have highlighted The ByrdsCoulson-Dean-McGuiness-FlintThe HolliesJoan OsbourneMountainBetty LeVette , Reggae Covers and many more.

This month we highlight floydion for a full month of Dylan Covers.

Thoughts on Original:
From the first time we covered a cover of this tune.
"Forever Young" is a classic. A track that Dylan released two different versions of on Planet Waves, and a song tons of artists use to close out sets or play encores. Without doing research it has to be one of the top 5 most covered songs of his, and yet it was never one of RtBE's favorites. It is a great song, Bob has always treated it a bit sterile though and this is a flaw in Dylan; artists would give their whole careers to write a song like this and he treats it like an out take, Last Waltz version not withstanding.


Thoughts on Cover Artist:
floydion aka Gerry van der Laan is a singer songwriter from Amsterdam who posts covers to his youtube channel. We found him and really dug his singing style and wanted to showcase him this month. 

Thoughts on Cover:
The most atmospheric of the covers this month finds floydion reimaging "Forever Young" as a haunting hymn with varying levels of swelling instrumentation. It is a bit drawn out for personal tastes but as with each of the artists covers this month, floydion takes a unique approach to the tune and that experimentation is always applauded by RtBE when it comes to this Dylan cover series. 

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