Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Funday: New Band of Horses Song!

RtBE favorites Band of Horses are back this fall with their 4th full length release, Mirage Rock.  The band released the first track from the album and it is called "Knock Knock" check it out here with it's cool nature video:

I dig it with it's simple yet hypnotic guitar and of course fantastic vocals the track is shiny but has a good groove at its root. We have hoped that the group gets a bit more distorted/noisy for this album, but it is safe to say we have high expectations for this disk.
Here is some older live BoH in case you aren't already a fan:
"Monsters" from 4/14/2010:

"The Funeral" from 6/11/2011

Nogo out and get some sun, you look like you need it....

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