DJ Blackpearl504
HAPPyMardiGraznBagdizzHeyYamammaGavemeThaGreenLight nDA jungle
** out of *****
On the bandcamp page for DJ Blackpearl504's newest there is a musical tag of 'Gumbo' and that is pretty accurate. The finger and tongue tryingly titled HAPPyMardiGraznBagdizzHeyYamammaGavemeThaGreenLight nDA jungle is a 34 and a half minute DJ mix that Blackpearl put out for this years Mardi Gras. It however is not a slamming together of styles and songs, like the gumbo tag suggests there are lots of different ingredients here but the whole track is to be consumed by the party and digested on the dance floor.Things pulse and build over the course of the first 10 minutes reaching a high point with a very familiar Outkast sample that keeps the pace bumping. Around the 12:45 mark though the man in charge starts getting eerie inject warping waves to things while the beat never relents, trippy in its movement. Pharrell Williams lets everyone know he is ready to go while things kick back up around the halfway point.
A mellowing out towards the end of things with a groovy bring down courtesy of a sample from The Pharcyde, but after that ride, things need some cooling off. Sweat is sure to be flowing by this point.
At the end of the day I will always love hearing the originals more the remixes, but this slamming together of songs and a fusing of a cohesive (if insanely fast) backing beat keeps the party rolling and rolling and rolling until the sun comes up, a NOLA tradition.
Want to party? Want to Dance? Here you go.
Support the artist here, grab the album here or stream it below:
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